
T-Kartor City Wayfinding for a connected city

We provide a data driven approach to City wayfinding. This means taking care of all the city’s wayfinding information needs, helping people understand the transport network, encouraging active journeys on foot or by bike and giving people the confidence to explore.


Grow support, collate and
manage stakeholder input
and public feedback


Plan, visualise and organise
system roll-out, automate
your production workflow


Intersect basemap changes
and sign frames to plan your
maintenance updates

Case studies

Legible London 10th anniversary

Happy 10th Birthday to arguably the most influential city wayfinding system

Case studies

Best features of city wayfinding

Common features found on successful city wayfinding

Walkability / Urban realm

Walkability of cities is linked to health

The walkability of a city is directly linked to the health of its citizens, a new scientific study claims.

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Download our implementation guides

A selection of useful guides to learn more about how to implement successful wayfinding systems.

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